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  • The trays are ___ her head.
  • Cinderella goes to the ball in a p_______.
  • How many step sisters does Cinderella have?
  • Who came to help Cinderella?
    fairy god mother
  • Where does Cinderella put her head?
    She puts it under the pillow.
  • What kind of animals are friends with Cinderella?
    Her friends are birds and mice.
  • A story about magical characters is called a _____ _____.
    fairy tale
  • Who makes a dress for Cinderella?
    Her animal friends (mice and birds).
  • When does the magical spell end?
    It ends at midnight.
  • The shoes is ___ her foot.
  • Where is Cinderella?
    She is on the floor.
  • What happened to Cinderella and the prince?
    They married and lived happily ever after.
  • Describe Cinderella's step family.
    They are mean, dangerous, evil, ugly, spoiled, nasty.