
Getting to Know You - Connecting Cultures - US7  ...

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  • Instead of Father Christmas, in the Basque Country we have "Olentzero" and "Mari Domingi", who come from the mountains.
    Do you have any special characters in your country?
  • In Portugalete we have an iconic building, a transporter bridge.
    Do you have any famous buildings in your town?
  • The Inspector in the series "Money Heist" (Casa de Papel), Itziar Ituño, is from the Basque Country
    Which actors from your country are famous?
  • Is Spain the country with the most café-bars in the world?
    What is the most popular type of coffee you drink in Poland? (With milk? Strong or weak? Big or small cups)
  • "Txakoli" is a white wine made from grapes that grow in the Basque Country.
    In Poland, do you make drinks from grapes or other sweet fruit?
  • In Spain, one of the most popular sports is tennis. Rafa Nadal has been the world's best player.
    Which sports players are famous in your country?
  • Do you prefer mountains or the beach?
    When do you prefer to go to the mountains/beach?
  • In Spain there are as many as eight official languages!
    How many languages are spoken in your country?
  • The oldest restaurant in the world is Casa Botín, opened in 1725 in Spain's capital, Madrid.
    In your country, do you eat a lot of fast food?
  • Is Poland a mountainous country?
    Do you enjoy going to the mountains in your free time?
  • The King and Queen of Spain are Felipe VI and Letizia.
    Do you have any royalty or aristocracy in Poland?
  • Spain's most popular dishes are potato omelette and "paella".
    What do you eat when you meet your friends?
  • Which singers/bands are famous in your country?
    Which singers/bands do you listen to the most?