
Clil Technology YEAR 2

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  • a substance, containing the enzyme rennin, used for curdling milk in making cheese
  • What is always the first step in making cheese?
    Milking the cow
  • Milk is heated to 50ºC then homogenised, it is then bottled and heated to 110º for 30 minutes
  • Which process kills the bacteria found in milk?
  • Where do farmers get the water from to keep the paddy fields wet?
    water from nearby rivers by irrigation and rain
  • What conditions does rice like growing in?
    Wet and warm
  • When you obtain food from a shop or a supermarket or from a restaurant.
    Buying food
  • In order to get the sugar juice to crystalize what do they add?
    sugar crystals
  • Why are rice grains put under the sun or in silos?
    for drying up the rice grains for longer storage
  • Sugar cane is a ________ resource?
  • When milk comes directly from the cow, contains all the fat and has not been processed in any way.
    raw milk
  • How long does it take for the grains of rice to grow completely?
    three months
  • Cultivation is the act of caring for or raising plants
    Growing food
  • What is "threshing" in rice production?
    to separate the rice grains from the leaves by hitting
  • What is the liquid called that is drained from the cheese?
  • Sugar is made from several sources but mostly it comes from _____ and _______?
    sugar cane and sugar beets
  • Why is the milk spun 4000 times per minute??
    to separate the milk from the cream
  • Milk is homogenized to ensure the cream is mixed in thoroughly. TRUE or FALSE?
  • Sugar cane is a renewable resource, because after cutting it ........
    grows again without having to replant it
  • Name 3 animals that cheese comes from?
    cow, sheep and goat
  • After the milk becomes solid how do they divide up the cheese?
    cut it into squares
  • The act of picking food from plants, trees or from the ground
    Collecting food
  • What is the process called when milk is heated to 75ºC for 25 seconds then cooled to 5ºC quickly.
  • Milk is pressed through a fine mesh to separate the fat into smaller molecules so it's distributed evenly throught the mixture.