
Nonfiction Task Cards

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  • 6.As used in paragraph 4, the word molten refers to-
    B: melted by heat
  • 3.Based on the selection, what can the reader infer?
    D: Many Egyptians do not get a complete education
  • 12. The information is paragraph 2 is important to the selection because it shows-
    C: why basketball became more popular
  • 7. What is the author's purpose for writing this selection?
    C: To explain how to make a rain gauge
  • 9. What is the main message of the selection?
    B: LEGO bricks have more use than just as a toy for children
  • 10. Which words from the selection help the reader understand the meaning of the word haggle?
    C: the best price
  • 4.What message is George's father trying to get across?
    A: A person's character is more important than material things
  • 8. This diagram helps the reader understand-
    D: the stages of the water cycle
  • 5. According to the selection, why was basketball invented?
    C: To have an indoor activity during the cold winter months.
  • 11.Base on the selection, the reader can infer that-
    A: George's early life helped shape him into the successful leader we know