
Important People in US History

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  • Wife of John Adams, known for her stance on women't rights in letters to her husband.
    Abigail Adams
  • French political philosopher who defined the principle of separation of Powers and Checks and balances in the government.
    Charles de Montequieu
  • Author of many of the Federalist Papers; First secretary of treasury, Leader of the Federalist Party.
    Alexander Hamiliton
  • Commander-in-chief of the Continental Army, President of the Constitutional Convention, and First US President, helped create a strong central government.
    George Washington
  • Patriot writer that supported independence and convinced others to join the cause. First woman historian of the American Revolution, published plays, books, and poetry.
    Mercy Otis Warren
  • Patriot from Virginia, opposed ratification of Constitution because of potential limitations of state's rights. "GIIVE ME LIBERTY OR GIVE ME DEATH"
    Patrick Henry
  • King of England durning the American Revolution
    King George III
  • French Noble who helped Americans during the Revolutionary War.
    Marquis de Lafayette
  • Boston Patriot who opposed British taxation. Leader of the Sons of Liberty and was an Anti-Federalist (wanted a bill of rights)
    Samuel Adams
  • Wrote the Fundamental Orders of Connecticut. The "First written Constitution."
    Thomas Hooker
  • Known as the Father of Liberalism, was an English philosopher and physician. His writings influenced many American revolutionaries. He developed the consent of the people and inalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and Property.
    John Locke
  • Educated African-American Patriot, made the same midnight ride as Paul Revere warning the British were coming.
    Wentworth Cheswell
  • African-American spy during the American Revolution Spied on Lord Cornwallis' camp.
    James Armistead
  • Established Pennsylvania for Quakers.
    Willam Penn
  • Banished (kicked out) of Massachusetts and became one of the founders of Rhode Island
    Anne Hutchinson
  • "Father of the Constitution" one of the authors of the Federalists Papers; Author of the Bill of Rights
    James Madison
  • Author, publisher, inventor, diplomat
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Founder of the state of Connecticut
    Thomas Hooker
  • Wrote Common Sense and American Crisis. He urged Americans to support the Patriot cause during the American Revolution
    Thomas Paine