
Problems & Solutions

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  • Someone took your new shoes. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • How many people does a medium problem affect?
  • You lost a game you were playing with friends. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Your best friend moved far away. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Is a small problem easy to fix?
  • You lied about your behavior in class to your parents. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • A tornado goes through your house. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • There was a fire at your school. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Your pencil breaks and you don't have another one. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Your friend bumped into you and you both fell getting hurt.
    Suggest a solution.
  • How many people does a small problem affect?
  • You fell down in gym class. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • A family member is having surgery
    Suggest a solution.
  • Does anyone get seriously hurt physically or emotionally in a large problem?
    Yes! Suggest a solution.
  • You spilled your drink at lunch. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Does anyone get seriously hurt physically or emotionally in a small problem?
    No! Suggest a solution.
  • Your mom lost her job. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • You left your bike in the rain and now it is rusty. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Someone took your new pair of shoes. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Someone is bullying you and you are scared to come to school. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • A pipe broke in your basement and flooded your house. 
    Suggest a solution.
  • Your parents are getting a divorce.
    Suggest a solution.
  • Is a hard problem easy to fix?
  • How many people does a large problem affect?
    a lot - whole family, whole school, etc