
Unit 3: I Love My City

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  • Complete with past simple or past continuous: Tom and I ______(play) video games when my mom _____(arrive).
    were playing, arrived
  • Complete with a verb. ____ a taxi
  • I ________ the bus at the end of the journey.
    get off
  • This is a place where two roads meet.
  • Complete with a verb. ______for a bus
  • Make a sentence using past continuous. (actor / wear a costume)
    The actor was wearing a costume.
  • Choose: The children were playing football when it (started / was starting) to rain.
  • What is this?
  • What is this?
  • Choose: We (studied / were studying) History when the alarm (was ringing / rang).
    were studying, rang
  • Make a question using past continuous. (your dad / play football / 5:00?)
    Was your dad playing football at 5:00 yesterday?
  • Choose: He (cooked / was cooking) when the phone rang.
    was cooking
  • Complete with past simple or past continuous: The boys_____(sleep) when the alarm ______(ring)
    were sleeping, rang
  • Complete with past simple or past continuous: Sue ______(climb) a tree when she ____(fall) down.
    was climbing, fell
  • Make a question using past continuous. (you / sleep /7:00?)
    Were you sleeping at 7:00 yesterday?
  • Make a sentence using past continuous. (girls / not / ride a horse)
    The girls weren't riding the horse.
  • Complete with a verb. _____the bus
    get on
  • What is this?
    Pedestrian crossing
  • What is this?
    Traffic lights
  • This is a place where people who look after the town work.
    town hall
  • Complete use past simple or past continuous: When the boat ____(arrive), the ground______(shake).
    arrived, was shaking
  • Make a sentence using past continuous. (girls / visit / Colosseum)
    The girls were visiting the Colosseum.
  • Complete use past simple or past continuous: I______(ride a bike when I_____(hit) a tree.
    was riding, hit
  • Make a question using past continuous. (friends / watch TV / 8:00?)
    Were your friends watching TV yesterday at 8:00?
  • This is a decoration which shoots water into the air.