
"Will" or "be going to"

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  • That film ____ probably _____ (win) awards.
    will probably win
  • What are your plans for this weekend? (name two)
    I am going to... / I think I will...
  • What is going to happen?
    He is going to know answers to all the questions.
  • Name three verbs after which there is „will” form.
    think, believe. promise
  • The actress has broken her leg, so she ________ (star) in a film.
    isn't going to star
  • __________ (Co zrobisz) when you fail your exam?
    What will you do
  • __________ (Czy zamierzasz skończyć) your homework before class?
    Are you going to finish
  • Change the question into the negative sentence: Will they help us?
    They won't help us.
  • Put the verb in the correct form: She __________ (meet) her friends tomorrow.
    is going to meet
  • I have bought a lottery ticket. I think I ________ (wygram) a lot of money.
    will win
  • Change the sentence into a question: She will pass all her exams.
    Will she pass all her exams?
  • Which band ________ (be) popular next year?
    will be
  • When do we use „be going to” structure? (name two rules)
    1. for decisions made before the moment of speaking, 2. for predictions based on evidence
  • Fiona is very sad. She’s lost her phone. She _________ (cry).
    is going to cry
  • The sky is very dark. It _________ (będzie padało).
    is going to rain