
AP Government Test 6

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  • Name 3 advantages of incumbents. Need all 3 to get the points
    Name Recognition, Credit Claiming, Casework for Constituents, More visible to constituents,Fundraising Abilities,Experience in Campaigning, Voting Record
  • What is the process of setting up new district lines after reapportionment is complete?
  • Who draws district lines?
    State Legislature
  • How long are the meeting Terms for both houses?
    2 years
  • What does Article I Section 8 List?
    Powers of Congress
  • What happens in the case of a vacancy in the Senate?
    Temporary appointment followed by a special election in that state
  • What is it called when the party draws district lines in order to have a political advantage?
  • What Type of Legislature Does Congress have?
  • When do Congressional Sessions start? Need the date.
    January 3rd
  • What is a group within a standing committee that specialize in a subcategory of its standing committee’s?
  • Who do senators and house of representatives specifically represent? Who are their constituents?
    Senate: State, House: District
  • Name 3 legislative powers of congress. Need all 3 to get all of the points
    Regulate, Set, and implement taxes, Money management and banking,Declare War Build and regulate a military, Patrol seas, negotiate with foreign conflicts
  • How were senators originally chosen?
    State Legislature
  • What does a census determine?
    Apportionment or The number of representatives each state gets
  • What did the 17th Amendment do?
    Allowed for the popular (peoples) vote to elect senators
  • How often are districts redrawn?
    Every census or every ten years
  • What are the 2 Houses of Congress?
    House of Representatives and Senate
  • What is the name given to a person who is running for reelection?
  • How many members are in the senate and House of Representatives respectively? Need both to get the points
    100 & 435
  • What is the term limit for the house and senate?
    Can serve unlimited number of terms
  • What was the ruling of Baker v. Carr?
    Gave the court the power to require redrawing of districts due to the 14th Amendment or 1 person 1 vote
  • How long are Senator and House of Representatives terms respectively?
    6 and 2 years
  • What is needed in order to override a veto?
    2/3 of Congress
  • What is the difference between a delegate representative and a trustee representative?
    Delegate: Member Votes based on constituents beliefs, Trustee: Member Votes based on own beliefs
  • What are Powers that may be reasonably suggested to carry out the expressed powers?
    Implied Powers
  • What does Article I Section 9 List?
    Limits of Congress
  • Who can call a special session of congress?
    The President
  • What are Powers specifically granted to Congress?
    Expressed Powers
  • What is an Informal groups formed by members of Congress who share a common purpose or set of goals?
  • What Allows members of Congress to send mailings to constituents postage free?
    Franking Privilige