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  • When is Easter celebrated?
    There isn't a fixed day so each year it falls on a different day
  • What animal is associated with Easter?
    The Easter Bunny
  • What is the first day of Lent called?
    Ash Wednesday
  • On what day was Jesus resurrected?
    Easter Sunday
  • What do people do during Lent?
    They fast or give up something that they love, they pray and will give to others
  • What type of buns are made in Britain on Good Friday?
    Hot Cross Buns
  • What comes first, Holy Week or Lent?
  • What do people do on Pancake day?
    Cook and eat pancakes
  • What is the day before lent called?
    Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day
  • What day symbolises the crucifixion of Christ?
    Good Friday
  • What day represents the day that Jesus entered Jerusalem for Passover?
    Palm Sunday
  • What day marks the Last Supper?
    Maundy Thursday
  • What day marks the end of Lent?
    Holy Saturday
  • What are the 40 days before Easter called?