
Review - Unit 3 - Module 1 - Lesson 1

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  • Curator works with a __________ to create environments that meet all the needs of the animals that will live there.
  • True or false: If living things don't get what they need to survive they become vampires.
  • True of false: With their leaves, plants take carbon dioxide from their environment and transform it into food.
  • True or False: Plants need light to make food.
    True. The green parts of plants collect the energy in light and use it to make their own food.
  • True or False: Plants take in nutrients from the sun.
    False. Plants take is nutrients from the water in the soil that they take in through their roots.
  • Why do animals need water?
    Because it helps them turn food into energy
  • Name the basic needs of animals.
    Food, Water, Shelter, Oxygen, and Space
  • Name three nonliving things.
    Rocks, soil, water, air
  • Animals need ___________ to be safe from other animals and to rest.
  • What is competition?
    Is the struggle among living things for resources.
  • What is the job of a curator?
    A curator has to design a habitat that an animal can survive in.
  • Why do animals need food?
    Because it gives them energy to move and helps them grow.
  • True or false: plants are the only living things that DON'T need water to survive.
    False. Plants take in water through their roots and use it for many life functions. Water help plants stand up and make food.
  • An _____________ includes all the living and nonliving things that interact in and environment.
  • Nutrients are substances that help living things have extra strength.
    False. Nutrients are substances that help living things grow and stay healthy.
  • What is a herbivore?
    An animal that only eats plants
  • True or False: Every ecosystem has a limited amount of resources, therefore living things must compete for them.
  • What is a resource?
    A resource is a material that living things use to survive.
  • What happens when there are not enough resources in an area for all the animals that live there?
    They compete for the resources, the loser has to move out or die.
  • True of False: Plants get what they need from their environment.
  • Where do living things live?
    In ecosystems
  • Animals that live in water take oxygen from water using their ____________.
  • Animals need _______________ to move around, grow, find food, and raise their youngs.
  • Living things get their resources from their _____________.
  • True or False: Plants have needs, just like humans and animals.