
Via (Wonder)

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  • Name 1 out 2 of Via friends.
    Miranda or Ella
  • Who was Via's and mom's bonding session interrupted by? Why?
    By Auggie because he needed to be picked up from school
  • Why does Auggie not want to go back to school after Halloween.
    Because of all the things Jack said about him after thinking they were best friends
  • Via tries to convince August to return to school. Was she successful in convincing him?
    Yes! August agrees to go back to school after Via says she’ll tell about what Jack said and then he’ll be treated differently by everyone
  • Who is Summer?
    Auggie's friend
  • Via remembers a time when she got up in the middle of the night and sees her mom standing outside August’s door. What did Via think when she saw her mom?
    Via wonders how many times her mom has waited outside of her door like she was at Auggie's door
  • How do you think Via feels about the fact that her Mom puts a lot of effort into August’s costumes but not hers? She says she won’t mention it, but she does. Why?
    Upset/Angry/Annoyed because she thinks Auggie is a brat and gets everything
  • What is Via short for?
  • Who is Via?
    Auggie's sister
  • Via explains that her friends were acting different on the first day of school. Why?
    Her friends had clearly gotten together over the summer without her and have changed. One dyed her hair and wore a tube top to school.
  • Why did Via stay home with her mom instead of going to school on Halloween?
    Via stays home from school and bonds with her mom because they both miss Grans
  • What is the name of the syndrome Auggie has?
    Treacher Collins Syndrome
  • Via uses a metaphor to compare the solar system and Auggie. What was the metaphor?
    "August is the Sun. Me and Mom and Dad are planets orbiting the sun."
  • Auggie tells Via that Miranda called him. What did Miranda tell Auggie to tell Via?
    That she misses her (Via)
  • From Via's perspective, how does she really feel about Auggie?
    Answers will vary.
  • Grans tells Via a secret. What was the secret?
    Grans told Via she loves her more than anyone else in the world