
Happiness and Sadness

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  • On top of the world
    People were on top of the world when the national football team won.
  • Face like a wet weekend
    'Are you alright? You have a face like a wet weekend.'
  • On cloud nine
    Jack was on cloud nine when his girlfriend said ‘yes’ to his proposal.
  • Not the end of the world
    Don’t worry about the debt. It’s not the end of the world.
  • Make one’s day
    This birthday surprise really made my day.
  • Let one’s hair down
    'Tomorrow is your birthday. Go home early tonight and let your hair down.'
  • In seventh heaven
    She was in seventh heaven when she won the lottery.
  • Feel blue/have the blues
    He’s been feeling blue since the day she left.
  • Over the moon
    I am over the moon about my trip to Korea in June.
  • Get a (real) kick out of something
    They get a kick out of traveling.
  • Have a whale of a time
    We had a whale of a time at the party last night.