
Multiview Projections

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  • What is the dihedral system?
    The process of representing 3D objects on flat drawing surfaces using different views.
  • What are the basic elements of Axonometric projection?
    Three intersecting coordinate planes. Three axes ( X, Y and Z) .
  • How do we determine the front view?
    The view that gives the most information about the object.
  • What is Axonometric projection?
    A type of Multiview orthographic projection used to represent three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional Surface.
  • How many images of an object are produced in Multiview projections?
    At least 2
  • On which plane is the front view drawn?
    The vertical plane
  • What are the three most common types of Axonometric projection?
    Isometric, Dimetric and Trimetric projection.
  • Why is multiview projection useful?
    It makes it possible to for us to draw 3D objects.
  • The proportions of a dimensioned sketch should be approximately ____________.
  • Name the three views that are needed when doing Multiview projections.
    Elevation or front view Plan or top view Profile or sideview
  • What is another name for the side view?
  • Sketches should give ________________________________.
    all the necessary information about an object
  • Why are dotted lines used in Multiview projections?
    They are used to show unseen edges blocked by the front view.
  • At what angle do the projection planes lie in orthographic projections?
  • In the Oblique projection of a cube the X and Y axes give the _________ and _________ of the figure.
    height , width
  • What does oblique mean?
    Neither parallel nor perpendicular. It's slanted or at an angle.
  • What are the essential elements for labelling a dimensioned sketch?
    Dimension or measurement lines, Extension lines and Dimension or measurement values.
  • In dimension sketches all measurements are assumed to be in _______________.
  • Define Isometric projection.
    A type of Axonometric projection in which the axes form 3 equal angles.
  • What are Extension lines in Dimensioned sketches?
    They are the lines that join the dimension lines to the side of the object that is represented.
  • What is another name for the fold line?
    Reference line, Line of Intersection or Ground line
  • Define Dimetric projection.
    A type of Axonometric projection in which two of the three angles are equal.
  • What are the basic elements of Multiview Drawing?
    Vertical plane, horizontal plane and fold line
  • Define Trimetric projection.
    A type of Axonometric projection in which none of the angles are equal.
  • What is the fold line in Multiview projection?
    The line where the vertical and horizontal planes meets.
  • Which angle is most commonly used for the X and Y axes in Oblique projections?
    135° angle
  • In Oblique projections the X and Z axes always________________________.
    Form a 90° angle.
  • What is a dimensioned sketch?
    A drawing that shows the shape of a three-dimensional object along with the measurements of the object.