
Active to Passive

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  • The boy killed the spider.
    The spider was killed by the boy.
  • You must do the homework.
    The homework must be done.
  • He will make a cake for her birthday.
    A cake will be made for her birthday.
  • My grandmother made the cake yesterday.
    The cake was made yesterday.
  • People eat 40 million hamburgers every day.
    40 million hamburgers are eaten every day.
  • You should eat more vegetables.
    More vegetables should be eaten.
  • They use worn out car tires to build the external walls.
    Worn out car tires are used to build the external walls.
  • Michael Reynolds developed the first earthship in the 1970s.
    The first earthship was developed in the 1970s.
  • They clean the windows every week.
    The windows are cleaned every week.
  • We are watching the Real Madrid match.
    The Real Madrid match is being watched.
  • People can build earthships from available recycled materials.
    Earthships can be built from available recycled materials.
  • Mary Shelley wrote the novel Frankenstein.
    The novel Frankenstein was written by Mary Shelley.
  • I planted a tree yesterday.
    A tree was planted yesterday.
  • A guide will take you to your seat.
    You will be taken to your seat.