
Ch. 27 Easter

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  • How many days is the easter season?
    50 days
  • What event in Jesus's life do we celebrate during Easter?
    His Resurrection (or his rising from the dead)
  • Pentecost Video: What appeared over the Apostles' heads to symbolize the Holy Spirit was there?
  • 40 days after Easter (or on the next Sunday), what special day do we celebrate?
  • What do we celebrate on Pentecost?
    The Holy Spirit coming to the Apostles.
  • What color do we use in church to represent Easter?
  • What is Jesus's Ascension?
    His body rising into heaven!
  • What do we celebrate on the last day of the Easter season?
  • Pentecost Video: What "superpower" did the Holy Spirit give the Apostles on Pentecost?
    The ability to speak and be understood in different languages!