
P2 Compare & Contrast

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  • Compare: Apple and Orange
    They both grow on trees.
  • Contrast: human and fish
    A fish uses fins to move but a human uses legs.
  • I have big feet just like my father.
  • Adam's bike is blue while Amy's bike is pink.
  • Contrast:
    Minion is a yellow creature but Sponge Bob is a sponge.
  • Ms. Huynh and Ms. Lai are both teachers.
  • A bird has two legs but an insect has six.
  • Compare: Broccoli and grapes
    They are both healthy food.
  • Contrast
    A pizza is hot but Ice-cream is cold.
  • Compare: Dog & Cat
    Both dogs and cats are popular pets.
  • Unlike Megan, Jamie does her homework every night.
  • Contrast: mouth and nose
    A mouth is used to taste food but a nose is used to smell things.
  • Yesterday was cold but today the weather is perfect.
  • Contrast: Mark Anthony and Aki
    Mark Anthony is a boy but Aki is a girl.