
Vocabulary Kahoot

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  • What does the word "Milquetoast" mean in the following sentence: "Gerald was a milquetoast, but his sister Gina was very outgoing and talkative"
    A timid or shy person
  • What does the word "Spasmodic" mean?
    Occurring or done in brief, irregular bursts
  • What does "Intrepid" mean?
    fearless; adventurous
  • What is a noun?
    Person, place, or thing
  • What does "Funambulism" mean?
    a show especially of mental agility
  • Define "disarming"
    removing or capable of removing hostility, suspicion, etc., as by being charming. a disarming smile.
  • What does the word "Ponder" mean?
    Think about (something) carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion
  • What part of speech is the word "rasped"?
  • What is the suffix in the word "Teaching"
  • What does the word "Interminable" mean?
    Endless (often used hyperbolically)
  • What does the word fortitude in the sentence mean: Ms. Robinson displayed fortitude when she went to the dentist because she does not like going!
    Courage in pain or adversity
  • What are the two types of verbs?
    Action and linking
  • What is the prefix in the word "Redo"?
  • What does the word "Loquacious" mean?
    tending to talk a great deal; talkative.
  • What part of speech is "grudgingly"?
  • Define "Droll"
    Amusing, witty, sometimes in an unexpected way
  • What does "Passel" mean?
    A large group or indefinite number
  • Use "Quarry" in a sentence
    Answers will vary
  • What does the word "Truncate" mean in the following sentence: "I had a longer version of my essay, but sadly I had to truncate it.
    To shorten or cut something off
  • Define "Scruples"
    Moral principles or beliefs that make you unwilling to do something that seems wrong
  • Give three examples of conjunctions:
    and, but, or, etc.
  • What does the word "Convoluted" mean?
    Extremely complex or hard to follow
  • What does the word "Nefarious" mean?
    wicked, evil
  • What does the word "Qualm" mean?
    An uneasy feeling of doubt, worry, or fear
  • Use "imperative" in a sentence:
    Answers will vary
  • Define "tangible"
    capable of being touched, real
  • What does the word "Sidling" mean?
    To go or move with one side forward
  • What does the word "meticulous" mean in the following sentence: "They are very meticulous about picking the right song"
    showing great attention to detail, careful, precise
  • What is an adverb?
    modifies a verb, adjective, or other verbs
  • What does the word "Deftness" mean?
    Skillful performance or ability without difficulty
  • What does the word "Diverge" mean?
    To separate from another route, especially a main one, and go in another direction
  • What does the word "augment" mean?
    To make greater, increase in size
  • What does "ambiguous" mean in the following sentence: The teachers instruction were ambiguous so I did not know what to do.
  • What part of speech is the word antipathy?
  • What s the preposition and the object of the preposition in the sentence: The book fell under the table.
    Under, the table