
USB Unit 18 Quiz Review

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  • By bypassing government trade barriers, the Internet and WWW have fueled economic globalization. True or False?
    False - the internet and WWW enable e-commerce
  • Domestic and foreign policy changed during the 2000s with increased efforts to monitor and fight terrorism. True or False?
  • The election of 2008 was important why?
    ended with the election of the first African American president - Barack Obama
  • President George W. Bush declared a war on terror on September 11, 2001. True or False?
  • Which amendment established prohibition?
    18th Amendment
  • Which amendment repealed the 18th (prohibition) amendment?
    21st Amendment
  • Which amendment gave women the right to vote?
    19th Amendment
  • President Obama extended healthcare coverage in response to the Great Recession. True or False?
  • The DACA program is focused on immigration or healthcare?
    Immigration - Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
  • Which amendment includes the right to bear arms?
    2nd Amendment
  • The demand for what natural resource has increased US involvement in Middle East conflicts?
    Crude Oil
  • Mass media affects national and international politics by influencing public perception of events and issues. True or False?
  • Obama sent troops to fight the rebels in response to the civil war in Yemen. True or False?
    False - he provided planning and intelligence to Yemen's allies
  • Which amendment abolished slavery?
    13th Amendment
  • The government's ability to search homes without a warrant became law under the USA Patriot Act. True or False?
    False! the gov't could now monitor citizen's mail without a warrant
  • This controversial act was signed into law by Obama to create a health care mandate and coverage for all Americans.
    The Affordable Care Act - aka Obamacare
  • The Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement address what issue? Terrorism or Climate Change?
    Climate Change
  • Special Interest Groups shape public policy by paying candidates. True or False?
    False - by lobbying officials
  • Which amendment includes freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition?
    1st Amendment