
Once B1.1 Waste not, want not INTRO

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  • The heating of the Earth is known as global _____________
  • True or False? It can take a bottle over 1000 years to biodegrade.
  • What is the vehicle that takes away rubbish called?
    Bin lorry or garbage truck
  • When you put something in the bin, you ______ it away.
  • Suggest 3 ways of helping the environment.
    Suggested answers: Recycle; don't buy plastic; be vegan; use paper bags instead of plastic bags
  • What is recycled food waste called? A. Compost. B. Landfill. C. Rubbish
    A. Compost
  • Name 3 things you can recycle.
    Suggested answers: glass, plastic, paper
  • What is upcycling?
    The transformation of a used object into a new, useful, or decorative object.​
  • What are the 3 Rs?
    Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle
  • Name 3 consequences of climate change.
    Suggested answers: More extreme weather, sea levels rising, migration
  • What is the place where you put rubbish called?
    A bin / A trashcan