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  • Where's the TV?
    It's between the cat and the dog.
  • Correct the sentence: There are a goat and two lizards in the street.
    There is a goat and two lizards in the street.
  • What's after lunch? (breakfast or dinner?)
  • What are they doing?
    They are talking.
  • Name five animals that you can see on the farm.
    cow, duck, frog, goat, sheep, spider...
  • What's your favourite breakfast?
    My favourite breakfast is ___.
  • Where do plants grow?
    They grow in the soil.
  • Yes or No: - Is this bowl yours? - Yes, this is mine.
    No, it's mine.
  • What are they doing?
    They are throwing and catching.
  • Where's the hospital?
    It's in front of the museum.
  • Yes or No: - Are these coins yours? - No, these aren't mine.
    No, they aren't mine.
  • What are these?
    They are burgers and chips.
  • Where is the mirror? (with sofa)
    It's above the sofa.
  • Correct the sentence: The man is siting in a cafe drinkking.
    The man is sitting in a café drinking.
  • What's your favourite dinner?
    My favourite dinner is _______.
  • What's Alex's favourite lunch in the book? (bananas, chicken or fish)
    It's chicken.
  • Where's the theatre?
    It's on the right of the supermarket.
  • Who's Frank's dad?
    It's Ben.
  • What sounds do frogs make?
    croak, croak, croak...
  • I love ice cream. (SO OR NEITHER?)
    So do I.
  • Where is milk from?
    It's from cows.
  • Frank is Lenny's _________.
  • Where's the woman?
    She's in front of a house.
  • Nelson is Sam's _______.
  • Who's May's grandma?
  • What sounds do cows make?
    moo, moo, moo...
  • Correct the sentence: Whose are these shoes? They are _____. (I, me, my, mine)
  • Order the sentence: pencil / is / her / this / .
    This is her pencil.
  • I love mice.
    I don't.
  • What sounds do chickens make?
    cluck, cluck, cluck...
  • Order the sentence: food / is / white / our / favorite / chocolate / .
    Our favorite food is white chocolate.
  • What are those?
    They are fruits.
  • I don't like to cook. It's too difficult. (SO OR NEITHER?)
    Neither do I.
  • Where's the girl?
    She's under the table.
  • Look and spell.
  • Please say three sentences about the picture.
    There's a boy playing footbal. There is a girl and a boy playing with the paper boats. The girl wearing a pink dress is flying a kite.
  • Look and spell.
  • Order the sentence: are / whose / tomatoes / these / ?
    Whose tomatoes are these? / Whose are these tomatoes?
  • Name three things you can find in a town.
    a flat, a hospital and a school
  • Please say three sentences about the picture.
    Grandma's cleaning the table. Grandpa is flying a kite. The baby is sleeping.
  • Look and spell.
  • What sound do ducks make?
    quack, quack, quack...
  • I don't like mushrooms. (SO OR NEITHER?)
    Neither do I.
  • Who's this?
    She's Lucy.
  • Where are eggs from?
    They are from hens.
  • Who goes to the hospital?
    Sick people.