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  • I can't do it alone. Can you lend me a ___ . a shoulder b. hand
    b. hand
  • When the teacher gave us the exams the classroom was as quiet as a ___
  • At primary school my sister and I ____ to get on. a. wouldn't b. didn't use to
    b. didn't use to
  • I woke up early and I ___ on time. a. was going to arrive b. arrived
    b. arrived
  • Matt and became friends in 2010. We ___ on very well since then. a. have been getting. b. have got.
    a. have been getting.
  • My relationship with my parents is as solid as ___
  • I can make my friend do anything. I got him under my ___ a. thumb b. hand
    a. thumb
  • I never (3) ___ to be able to focus. a. would b. used
    b. used
  • I'm angry so I'll give the cold _____ a. neck b. shoulder.
    b. shoulder.
  • I arrived late so I couldn't listen what the teacher ____ said about the exam. Can repeat for me? a. would b. had
    b. had
  • Come on! Do my homework!! Are you pulling my ____ a. leg b. hair
    a. leg
  • The soccer player ran as quick as a ___
  • The athelete was going to jump. His eyes were as cold as ____
  • I didn’t (1) ____ to be a good friend. a. would b. use
    b. use
  • I (2) ___ always be thinking about what I wanted to do a. did b. would
    b. would
  • It was a difficult exam, but my friend looked as cool as a ____
    b. cucumber
  • In my last English class, I ___ about to lose my concentration. a. was b. were
    a. was
  • My friend put on a ghost costume and I __. a. would scream b. screamed
    b. screamed
  • Ir broke my brother's bike. He ____ forgiven me. a. wasn't b. hasn't
    b. hasn't
  • What's the matter? Do you want to take something out of your ___? a. head b.chest