
Call my bluff

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  • What is 'to loathe'? a. to wash carefully b. to slice c. to hate
    to hate
  • What is a deluge? a. a huge flood b. a robot c. a type of sledge
    a huge flood
  • What does 'spartan' mean? a. strong b. freezing cold c. simple, basic
    simple, basic
  • What does 'dreary' mean? a. it happens every day b. boring c. affectionately
    b. boring
  • What is a 'buffoon'? a. a type of cow b. a thick scarf c. a foolish person
    a foolish person
  • If a person is described ar 'strapping' what does it mean? a. tall and strong b. telling lies c. small and weak
    tall and strong
  • What does 'innate' mean? a. nothing b. inborn c. furious
    b. inborn
  • What does 'concur' mean? a. to agree b. to believe c. to coincide with
    to agree
  • What is a 'carte blanche'? a. love letter b permission to do what you want c. a reward
    permission to do what you want
  • What does 'dreary' mean?
  • What does 'gregarious' mean? a. sociable b. large c. victorious
  • What is an 'asset'? a. a small donkey b. a valuable thing c. a small wooden chair
    a valuable thing
  • What does 'to breach' mean? a. to lighten the colour b. to break a rule c. to cover with something
    to break a rule
  • What is a 'misgiving'? a. a feeling of doubt b. a bad present c. a feeling of selfishness
    a. a feeling of doubt
  • What is a 'coven'? a. a goup of witches b. a place to cook bread c. a cape
    a group of witches
  • What does 'fickle' mean? a. wet and dirty b. prone to changing likes c fashionable
    prone to changing likes
  • What does 'illegible' mean? a. against the law b. difficult to read c. not true
    difficult to read
  • What does 'finicky' mean? a fussy about small details b funny c sticky to touch
    fussy about small details
  • What is 'to gloat'? a. to be sympathetic b. to be happy in an unkind way c. to make animal noises
    to be happy in an unkind way
  • What is 'asinine'? a. very clean b. very new c. very silly
    very silly
  • What does 'to grapple' mean? a. to mumble b. to struggle with c. to attract
    to struggle with
  • What does 'hideous' mean? a. very ugly b. very funny c. very well hidden
    very ugly
  • What does 'soporific' mean? a. sleep inducing    b.  terrifying    c.  enormous
    sleep inducing