
Break Room Etiquette

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  • You can eat someone else's food in the refrigerator if it past lunch time and no one has come to get it.
    False - It may look delicious, but it isn't yours to take!
  • Let your coworkers eat in peace and do not talk about work while in the breakroom
  • If someone brought cookies and you only want half of one, it is OK to break it in half and leave the half you don't want for someone else.
    False - If you touch the cookie with your hands at all, you should not put any of it back
  • You should clean up after yourself, including doing your own dishes and cleaning the sink when you are done.
  • When microwaving your food, you should stay in the breakroom while it cooks.
  • It is ok to throw away any items you see that are expired
    False - only throw away your own expired items
  • You should refrain from any grooming, nose-blowing, coughing or sneezing in the breakroom.
    True - excuse yourself to the bathroom for these needs
  • You had fish for dinner last night and brought leftovers to heat up in the microwave for lunch at work. No big deal right?
    Wrong - Don't cook food that could create a bad smell that others have to deal with
  • It is polite to make a fresh pot of coffee if you see it is running low.