
Excuses for Missing Work

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  • Unexpected car troubles
    Good - but make other arrangements ASAP
  • Doctor or dentist appointment
    Good - if time off was requested according to policy
  • Death in the family (close family member)
  • Death in the family (not a close relative and you have used all of your bereavement time)
  • Family illness (child elderly parent)
    Good - in most circumstances
  • No ride to work
    Bad - plan ahead!
  • Headache
  • Family emergency
    Good - if it is truly an emergency
  • Migraine
    Good - sometimes...
  • Furnace needs emergency repairs
    Good - in certain circumstances
  • Car insurance or license has expired
    Bad - Doesn't prevent you from attending work
  • Medical tests or procedures
    Good - but give as much notice as possible
  • Shut off alarm on accident
  • Partied too much last night
  • Illness
    Good - sometimes...
  • School is closed for bad weather
    Good - could you work from home?
  • Lost my phone
    Bad - you can still go to work!
  • Don't want to work with co-worker you don't like