
DBT: What's Typical? (Or Not?)

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  • Experimenting with mind-altering substances
  • Risky, self-destructive behavior during mood swings.
    Cause for concern
  • Self-conscious and/or more focused on body image and appearance
  • Growing sense of sexuality and increased interest in sexual experimentation
  • Multiple accidents, unsafe driving (DWI), or getting arrested
    Cause for concern
  • Taking more risks and not fully assessing for potential danger
  • Unable to complete daily tasks like homework; regularly late or unable to attend school or appointments
    Cause for concern
  • Routinely lying about or hiding things from family
    Cause for concern
  • Strong interest in technology
  • Wanting more privacy and time alone
  • Feeling stressed about life changes (ex: starting High School)
  • Running Away
    Cause for Concern
  • Being so indecisive, you feel paralyzed or trapped
    Cause for concern
  • Physical or Verbal Aggression (hitting, abusive language)
    Cause for Concern
  • Sleeping in late and/or being a "night owl"
  • Oversharing personal information online
    Cause for concern
  • Being moody and emotionally sensitive
  • Having a sense of invulnerability (the belief that consequences won't apply to you)
  • Rejection of social norms to the point that it is self-destructive or causes harm or disruption to others
    Cause for concern
  • Struggling to be on time
  • Missing school due to your sleep schedule
    Cause for concern
  • Arguing more and being less agreeable
  • Stressed out by everyday choices and dilemmas
  • High risk sexual practices (ex: sex without protection, sex with multiple partners or strangers)
    Cause for concern
  • Dropping out of school or failing in multiple subjects
    Cause for concern
  • Sharing nude photos online
    Cause for concern
  • Often up nearly all night or sleeping for most of the day
    Cause for concern
  • Dirty clothes, moldy, rotting food pile up in your room. You typically can't find basic necessities like clean clothes in your room.
    Cause for Concern
  • Having a messy, disorganized room
  • Refusing to go to school or frequently absent from school
    Cause for concern
  • Frequently using substance or joining a group of peers who regularly use substances
    Cause for concern
  • Being more rebellious, idealistic, or critical