
Basic 1 - Content Review

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  • What's your favorite band?
    My favorite band is _.
  • Where's your family from?
    My family is from _.
  • What's your Mother's name?
    Her name is _./ My Mother's name is _.
  • How old are you?
    I am ________ years old
  • How do you say "celular" in English?
    Cell phone
  • The cat is _____________ a book
  • Where's Brazil?
    It's in South America
  • Are you Mexican?
    No, i'm not / Yes, i am
  • Where are you from?
    I'm from _.
  • Can you lend me an _______________?
  • What sport is this?
  • Where's your Teacher from?
    My teacher is from _.
  • What time is it please?
    It's _:_.
  • What's your e-mail address?
    My email is
  • Do you have a sister? What's her name?
    Her name is _./ My sister's name is _.
  • What's your occupation?
    I'm a _.
  • How do you spell your last name?
    My last name is _-_-_-_-_-_
  • This is a ___________________.
  • Do you have a brother? What's his name?
    His name is _. / My brother's name is _.
  • Is Feijoada a German dish?
    No, it's Brazilian.
  • What's your phone number?
    My phone number is __________.
  • Is Pizza a Mexican dish?
    No, it's Italian
  • What's your favorite City?
    My favorite city is _.
  • What's your Father's name?
    His name is _./ My Father's name is _.
  • Can you lend me a ______________?
  • What is your name?
    My name is ________
  • What's your favorite sport?
    My favorite sport is _.
  • How do you say "lápis" in English?
  • Can you lend me an ______________?
  • This is a ___________________.
  • What's your nickname?
    My nickname is _.
  • What's your Teacher's name?
    My Teacher's name is _.
  • What is she doing?
  • How do you say "livro" in English?