
Syllable Practice

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  • When two people talk, they are having a ........
    con ver sa tion
  • A caterpillar turns into a........
    bu tter fly
  • If something breaks and you did not do it on purpose, it is called an.....
    ac ci dent
  • To get to higher floors in a building, you push the button and take the.....
    e la va tor
  • When I go to bed, I put on my....
    pa ja mas
  • Christmas is in the month of .....
    De cem ber
  • A bun, meat patty and cheese is called a .....
    cheese bur ger
  • A large fruit that is green on the outside and pick on the inside is called a......
    wa ter me lon
  • Batman, Ironman and Spiderman are types of .......
    Su per he ros
  • When you want to know how something is done, you can ask for an....
    ex am ple
  • Something you ride with two wheels is called a ...
    bi cy cle
  • People wear costumes and get candy on.......
    Ha llo ween
  • A tyrannosaurus rex is a type of ........
    di no saur
  • If something is not safe, it is called...
    dan ger ous
  • A sea animal with 8 legs is called an....
    oc to pus