
E8 - end-of-year language functions - revision g ...

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  • How much is this car? A. It's 1 000 000 $ B. Its 1 000 000 $ C. It's $ 1 000 000
  • What is he like? A. He is quite tall and slim. B. He likes playing the guitar. C. He is intelligent and hardworking.
  • So can I take your order, sir? A. Well, I'm not sure. Hm, I suppose I'm taking a pineapple pizza. B. Well, I'm not sure. Hm, I suppose I'm going to take a pineapple pizza. C. Well, I'm not sure. Hm,I suppose I'll take a pineapple pizza.
  • Your friend has his birthday today. What do you say? A. Many happy returns. B. Lucky birthday to you. C. Overwhelming birthday.
  • Ask about a book you've found. A. Who's book is this? B. Whose book this is? C. Who does this book belong to?
  • I'm sorry I've broken your favourite cup. A. Oh, it's ok. Don't worry. B. Not at all. C. You shouldn't play with it.
  • Someone asked you about your age. What would you answer? A. I have 20 years. B. I'm 20 years. C. I'm 20.
  • How long have you been living in this villa? A. From 10 years B. For 10 years C. Since 10 years
  • Do you feel like going for a walk? A. Yeah, it's a great idea. B. I don't like this feeling. C. I'm great, thank you.
  • Has she got any siblings? A. No, she has got a brother. B. No, she's an only child. C. Yes, she is single.
  • You'd like to pay for your meal. What do you say? A. Can I have the bill, please? B. Can I have the recipe, please? C. Can I have the tip, please?
  • Your friend is participating in a school chess tournament. You say: A. Do your best! B. Have a nice day! C. Conquer it!
  • Could I try it on? A. Yeah, I hope the soup is not too spicy. B. Yeah, I hope you'll like skiing. C. Yeah, I hope it will fit you.
  • I always take a bath in the evening. A. So take I. B. So do I. C. So am I.
  • How does he usually go to school? A. By foot. B. By bus. C. On school coach
  • What does he do? A. Jogging, he does it every morning. B. He's a professional sportsman. C. Jogging is his hobby.
  • It's forbidden to park here. A. You can't park here! B. You mustn't park here! C. You don't have to park here!
  • Is this skirt the right size? A. Yeah, it fits you perfectly. B. Yeah, it suits you perfectly. C. Yeah, it matches you perfectly.
  • Your friend is going to the seaside. You say... A. Take it easy. B. Take your time. C. Enjoy your time.
  • What are you fond of? A. I'm afraid of swimming. B. I'm keen on swimming. C. I'm falling behind with swimming.
  • Do you mind my opening the window? A. Yes, go ahead. B. No, go ahead. C. I don't care. Don't do it!
  • You've baked some cupcakes. You offer them to your friend. What do you say? A. Eat it yourself now. B. Help yourself. C. Swallow it yourself.
  • You'd like to get some more ice-cream. What do you say? A. Can I get the second helping? B. Can I get the second dish? C. Can I get the second meal?
  • You've found a fly in your soup. You call the waiter and say... A. I'd like to make a complaint. B. I'd like to make an apology. C. I'd like to make a threat.
  • I'm sorry, I can't hear you. Could you... A. say up? B. tell up? C. speak up?