
Dowal´s Anniversary

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  • Who founded Dowal School?
    Mrs. Cristina and Mr. Walter
  • What animals can we find at the preschool entrance?
  • What language do we learn at Dowal School?
  • What color is our uniform?
    Red, blue and white
  • Which are the 3 colors from our school?
    Red, blue and white
  • What is the name of our school mascot?
  • What is the name of our Music teacher?
    Mr. Marco
  • What is the name of our P.E. teacher?
    Mr. Mario
  • What animal is our school mascot?
  • How old is our school?
    35 years
  • What day is Dowal´s birthday?
    April 10th
  • What is the name of our Art teacher?
    Mr. Ricardo