
7th grade unit 9 Environment

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  • We should _________ the television when we don’t use it. a) turn on b) unplug c) damage d) breathe
    b) unplug
  • What is this energy type called?
    Wind Energy
  • "Air pollution" means?
    Hava kirliliği
  • "Environment" means in Turkish?
  • Icebergs are melting because of __________. a) rainforest b) deforestation c) global warming d) flood
    c) global warming
  • "Deforestation" means?
    Ormanları yok etme, ormansızlaştırma
  • "Climate change" means?
    İklim değişikliği
  • Don’t _________ that can into the sea. You mustn’t pollute the sea.a) throw b) breathe c) clean up d) swim
    a) throw
  • Kevin: I don’t plant trees. Nelly: I leave the lights on. Frank: I keep the tap running. Britty: I use my bike instead of my car. Who is eco-friendly?
  • Save Our Planet! Don’t waste water. Use public transportation. _____________________. a) Cut down trees b) Don't pollute the air c) Don't recycle energy. d) Destroy forests
    b) Don't pollute the air
  • We should___________ and reuse everything we can.
  • "Save energy" means?
    Enerji tasarrufu yapmak
  • What is he doing?
    He is planting trees.
  • Big cars consume too much petrol, so we _______ use smaller ones. a) must b) musn't c) is d) who
    a) must
  • We __________________ use plastic bags. a) musn't b) must c) is d) have
    a) musn't
  • "Save the planet" means?
    Gezegeni korumak
  • "Greenhouse effect" means?
    Sera etkisi
  • Which energy type is this? 
    Solar energy
  • "Eco-friendly" means in Turkish?
    Çevre dostu