
Grade 7 - Reading Unit 5

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  • What fact is related to 10'918m?
    The Mariana Trench is 10,918 metres deep.
  • Name the world's longest mountain range...
    The Mid-Ocean Ridge system
  • Name the world's largest hot desert...
    the Sahara
  • Why can you float in the Dead Sea?
    You can float in the Dead Sea because it is very salty.
  • Name the world's largest ocean...
    The Pacific Ocean
  • Name the world's driest place...
    The Atacama desert
  • Name world's tallest mountain...
    Mount Everest
  • What fact is related to 9 million km2?
    The Sahara is over 9 million km2 (kilometres squared)
  • Name the world's hottest place...
    el Azizya
  • What fact is related to 400m?
    The Dead Sea is at 400 metres below sea level.
  • What fact is related to 8'484m?
    Mount Everest is 8,484 metres high.
  • Name the world's deepest place...
    The Mariana trench
  • Names the world's windiest continent
  • Name the world's lowest point on land...
    The Dead Sea
  • Where is the Mid-Ocean Ridge?
    The Mid-Ocean Ridge is underwater
  • Name the world's largest desert
  • What fact is related to 14 million km2?
    Antarctica covers 14 million km2 (kilometres squared).
  • What's the definition of a desert?
    A desert is a place where it hardly ever rains.
  • What fact is related to 56'000km?
    The Ocean Ridge system is 56,000 kilometres long.
  • How much of the Earth’s water is in the Pacific Ocean?
    About half of the Earth’s water is in the Pacific Ocean.