
Dad by Day Vocabulary

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  • Eat lunch - When do you get lunch?
    I eat lunch at _____.
  • Play with friends - When do you play with friends?
    I play with friends in the afternoon.
  • Wake up - What time do you get up?
    I get up at ____.
  • Eat breakfast - When do you eat breakfast?
    I eat breakfast in the morning.
  • Brush my teeth - When do you go to bed?
    I go to bed at ____.
  • Get dressed - What time do you get dressed?
    I get dressed at ____.
  • Go to bed - What time do you go to bed?
    i got to bed at ___.
  • Go to school - When do you go to school?
    I go to school at ____.
  • Eat dinner - What time do you eat dinner?
    I eat dinner at ____.