
Vocabulary 4 Unit 2

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  • earth: the planet third in order of distance from the sun, between Venus and Mars; the world on which we live
    is a noun. The earth takes approximately 3651/4 days to go round the sun.
  • asteroid: one of many large rocks that circle the sun
    is a Scientists are hoping an asteroid will clue them in about early life on earth.
  • chemical: any basic substance that is used in or produced by a reaction involving changes to atoms or molecules
    is a noun. The government has pledged to reduce the amount of chemicals used in food production.
  • reptile: an animal that produces eggs and uses the heat of the sun to keep its blood warm
    is a noun. Humans, insects, reptiles, birds and mammals are all animals.
  • prehistoric times: describing the period before there were written records
    is a noun. Painting originated in prehistoric times with murals drawn on cave walls.
  • insect: a type of very small animal with six legs,
    is a noun. In its representational space, two new insect objects could be made visible.
  • saber-toothed cats: a large wild cat that lived in the past, with two long, curved front teeth
    is a noun. Tigers are among the rarest of the big cats
  • arthropod: a type of animal with no spine, a hard outer skin
    is a noun. he effect of foraging army ants on leaf-litter arthropods.
  • limestone: a white or light grey rock that is used as a building material and in the making of cement
    is a noun. The margins of some of the limestone blocks are slickensided
  • paleontologist: Now my childish image is of a paleontologist who has discovered his favorite dinosaur.
    is a noun. Some paleontologists have argued it may have fed on seaweed during low tide
  • bacteria; very small organisms that are found everywhere and are the cause of many diseases
    is a noun. A discrete ability to tell time may facilitate the growth pattern of the desert bacterium.
  • skunks:a small, black and white North American animal that makes a strong, unpleasant smell as a defence when it is attacked
    is a noun. He was an oily, opportunistic skunk.
  • worms: a small animal with a long, narrow, soft body without arms, legs, or bones
    is a noun. The kiwi bird eats worms, other invertebrates, and berries.
  • marble: a type of very hard rock that has a pattern of lines going through it, feels cold, and can be polished to become smooth and shiny
    is a noun. a small ball, usually made of coloured or transparent glass, that is used in children's games
  • mammal: any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own body. Most mammals give birth to live young, not eggs
    is a noun. Humans, dogs, elephants, and dolphins are all mammals, but birds, fish, and crocodiles are not.
  • amphibian: an animal, such as a frog, that lives both on land and in water but must produce its eggs in water
    is a noun. He flew an amphibian, which he could set down on water in case of an engine problem
  • ocean: a very large area of sea
    is anoun. These mysterious creatures live at the bottom of the ocean.
  • coyotes: a small wild animal like a dog that lives in North America
    is a noun. Some birds are killed by golden eagles or coyotes
  • sorry teacher por enviarlo tarde
  • granite: a very hard, grey, pink, or black rock, used for building
    is a noun. Al-rich relic material from the formation of the rapakivi granite melt is another source of assimilation.
  • rabbits: a small animal with long ears and large front teeth that moves by jumping on its long back legs, or the meat of this animal eaten as food
    is a noun. a pet rabbit