
Past Perfect - Simple & Continuous 19

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  • We ___________ (invite) our new colleague to the work drinks but he told us he _____________ (already make) plans.
    invited / had already made
  • I ________________ (concentrate) on the documentary so I ______________ (not notice) my parents coming home.
    was concentrating or had been concentrating / didn't notice
  • At midnight last night she still _____________ (not done) her homework!
    hadn't done
  • My son ________ (hurt) his knee badly yesterday when he __________ (ride) his bike.
    hurt / was riding
  • They ___________ (rent) a house in Barcelona for three years before they finally ___________ (decide) to buy a house.
    had been renting / decided
  • The teacher __________ (explain) the new vocabulary 5 times but the students still _____________ (not understand)
    had explained / didn't understand
  • It __________ (rain) very hard so the coach ____________ (decide) not to play the match
    was raining / decided
  • After Sam ________(spend) his holiday in France, he ___________(want) to learn how to speak French
    had spent / wanted
  • I _______ (be) exhausted that morning because I ____________ (study) all night for the test, but it turned out to be the wrong day!
    was / had been studying
  • Jenny ___________ (turn on) the TV after she _________ (do) the dishes.
    turned on / had done
  • I __________ (dream) of going to live in Canada for years so I finally got the courage and _______ (book) my ticket last week.
    had been dreaming / booked
  • They ___________ (look forward to) seeing the fireworks all week but unfortunately that night it _________ (rain)
    had been looking forward to / rained