
Fable Treasure Hunt

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  • Find anything that represents a character from the fables. It can be a stuffed animal, a photo or an animal in fact.
    Awesome !
  • Show us something unique that you can do!
  • Tell us the moral of the story " Belling the Cat ".
    "Easier said than done!"
  • Find a bell.
    Great !
  • Tells us the main characters from the story 'Belling the Cat".
    young mouse, old mouse and the cat
  • Tell us some elements that we find in a fable at least three.
    animals act and speak like humans, setting is outside, the moral lesson, short stories and fiction, 2 or 3 characters,
  • Roar like a lion !
    Oh, my Gosh !
  • Tell us a moral of the story " The Hare and The Tortoise".
    "Never give up!"
  • Show us a drawing where the story " Belling the Cat " takes place.
    In the sewer.
  • Show us a bunch of grapes.