
Vocabulary 4

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  • 17.- Scared "I am scared"
    "I am not scared"
  • 3.- Pop "I like the pop"
    "I don't like pop so much"
  • 16.- Reggae "I love the reggae"
    "I hate the Reggae"
  • 8.- Cheer up "Cheer up, come on"
    "Yes, cheer up please"
  • 20.- Opera "I hear opera"
    "I hate opera"
  • 10.- Clap "You need to clap"
    "We need to clap"
  • 7.- imagination "You have imagination?"
    "Yes, I have imagination"
  • 11.- Punk "You hate the punk?"
    "Yes, I hate the punk"
  • 14.- Peaceful "I am peaceful"
    "No, you are not peaceful"
  • 6.- Composer "You are a composer?"
    "Yes, i'm a composer"
  • 2.- Soul "I hate soul music"
    "What is soul music?"
  • 1.- Anxious "You are anxious?
    "Yes, I am anxious"
  • 4.- Romantic "You are romantic?"
    "I'm not romantic?"
  • 19.- Joyful "You are joyful?"
    "Yes, I am joyful"
  • 13.- Sense "This is is a sense"
    "The senses is awesome"
  • 15.- Unthinkable "This is unthinkable"
    "Is not unthinkable"
  • 5.- Cemetery "What you want to go to the cemetery?"
    "To visit my father"
  • 12.- Impossible "You think things impossible"
  • 9.- Artist "You are a artist?"
    "Yes, I'm an artist"
  • 18.- Rock "I hate the rock"
    "I love the rock"