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  • She _______ wash her hands before meals.
    has to
  • She _______ get up at 5 am every day.
    doesn't have to
  • In school, you __________ run in the corridors.
  • Every night before you go to bed, you have to_______
    (your answer)
  • When you are on holidays, you don't have to _________
    (your answer)
  • When you write a test, you mustn't _________
    (your answer)
  • When you write a test, you don't have to________
    (your answer)
  • In class, you have to ____________
    (your answer)
  • I _________ forget to do my homework.
  • In school, you ________ be on time for lessons.
    have to
  • You _______ jump the queue. It isn't polite.
  • You _________ speak Chinese all the time.
    don't have to
  • You _______ throw things on the streets.
    mustn 't
  • In class you ____________ listen to the teacher.
    have to