
Looking back unit 10

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  • I (study) __________________in England next year. (future continuous)
    will be studying
  • At 10 o’clock tomorrow he (work) __________________ in his office. (future continuous)
    will be working
  • I’ll be on holiday this time next week. I (lie) _________________ on a beautiful beach. (future continuous)
    will be lying
  • People in Britain will spend a lot of money on heating next year. (passive voice)
    A lot of money will be spent on heating next year.
  • We will reduce our use of electricity to save our energy. (passive voice)
    The use of electricity will be reduced to save our energy.
  • They will build a hydro power station in this area next year. (passive voice)
    A hydro power station will be built in this area next year.
  • People will use biogas for fuel in homes and for transport. (passive voice)
    Biogas will be used for fuel in homes and for transport.
  • You’ll recognize her when you see her. She (wear) _______________a green hat.(future continuous)
    will be wearing
  • They (build) ________________their house this time next month.(future continuous)
    will be building
  • We will use renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy to solve the problem of pollution. (passive voice)
    Renewable energy sources like wind and solar energy will be used to solve the problem of pollution