
Film Music! (and other music questions)

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  • TRANSITIONS between SCENE CHANGES happen through _______ function.
    Technical function!
  • In opera, characters ____ their roles/texts.
    They sing!
  • Why is music important in film?
    It sets the mood!
  • The ____ section of an opera expresses a character's emotions. Aria or Recitative?
  • Why was the LIVE AID concert of 1985 so important?
    Because famous musicians worked together against political and economic inequalities!
  • Can characters in a film hear BACKGROUND music?
  • The PERIOD (siglo) is set through _______ function.
    Atmospheric function!
  • _____ function expresses EMOTIONS to the audience.
    Expressive function!
  • What is "mood"?
    A state of mind or feeling!
  • The GEOGRAPHICAL CONTEXT of a film is set through ______ function.
    Atmospheric funcion!
  • Can characters in a film hear SOURCE music?
  • _____ function provides a sound ENVIRONMENT that sets CONTEXT for the story.
    Atmospheric function!
  • Characters sing normal conversations during a ______ section of an opera. Aria or Recitative?
  • ________ functions adds UNITY and CLARITY to the narrative.
    Technical function!