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  • What is happening here?
  • Which character is this?
    It's Isabela
  • What happened when Bhima and Hidimba fought?
    Hidimba was killed
  • What is the most popular object for British people at Easter? A) Flowers. B) Spanish eggs. C) Easter eggs. D) French toast
    C) Easter eggs
  • Who is this?
    Lord Krishna
  • Name this Pandava
  • An egg is the symbol of Easter because... A) It is the shape of a bunny. B) It represents new life. C) It represents chocolate. D) It is a fun shape..
    B) It represents new life
  • Please sing a few lines of "Khandana Bhava Bandhana song.. "
  • Please sing a few lines of "Sarva Mangala .. " song
  • Say 5 things that use battery
  • How did Pandavas escape lac palace? A) By jumping over fire. B) By digging a tunnel. C) By pouring water from nearby lake. D) Escaped in helicopter.
    B) By digging a tunnel.
  • Can Rakshasas track people with human smell? Yes/No
  • What is name of Bhima and Hidimbi son? A) Ghotaka. B) Ghatotkacha. C) Garfield. D) Spiderman
    B) Ghatotkacha.