
23. Spotlight Three Tenses

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  • I ??? George last week.
    am seeing
  • Dolphins ***** in the water.
    are living
  • They usually (go) camping every summer.
    They usually GO camping every summer.
  • (John/study) Spanish? -- Yes. He (go) to lessons twice a week.
    DOES JOHN STUDY Spanish? -- Yes. He GOES to lessons twice a week.
  • (you/like) this dress? -- Yes, a lot. How much (it/cost)?
    DO YOU LIKE this dress? -- Yes, a lot. How much DOES IT COST?
  • ???? you often meet your friends last year?
  • Mum (cook) dinner every night.
    Mum COOKS dinner every night.
  • How often (you/ clean) your room? -- Once a week.
    How often DO YOU CLEAN your room? -- Once a week.
  • Does John ???? at the university?
  • (you/go) to school yesterday? -- No, I (be) sick.
    DID YOU GO to school yesterday? -- No, I WAS sick.
  • What time (you/have) breakfast? -- aT 7 o’clock. The school bus (come) at 7:30.
    What time DO YOU HAVE breakfast? -- At 7 o’clock. The school bus COMES at 7:30.
  • Be quiet! We are ???? to listen to the teacher.
  • Are you (look) at the holiday photos? -- No, I (not/find) them.
    Are you LOOKING at the holiday photos? -- No, I DIDN'T FIND them.
  • Betty always (wake up) late at the weekend.
    Betty always WAKES UP late at the weekend.
  • When ..... ..... .....? -- She left for school an hour ago.
    When DID SHE LEAVE? -- She left for school an hour ago.
  • ............ you at the doctor’s yesterday? -- No, I the hospital.
    WERE you at the doctor’s yesterday? -- No, I WASN'T at the hospital.
  • What ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... .....? -- The children found a puppy on the street.
    What DID THE CHILDREN FIND ON THE STREET? -- The children found a puppy on the street.
  • Where ..... ..... ..... .....? -- We played football in the park.
    Where DID YOU PLAY FOOTBALL? -- We played football in the park.
  • What (you/do)? -- Shhhh! I (talk) on the phone.
    What ARE YOU DOING? -- Shhhh! I AM TALKING on the phone.
  • I have guitar lessons ???.
    right now.
    twice a week.
    two days ago.
  • What (you/do) now? -- I (talk) to Fred.
    What ARE YOU DOING now? -- I AM TALKING to Fred.
  • Lisa (study) hard these days. -- I know. She (want) to pass her exams.
    Lisa IS STUDYING hard these days. -- I know. She WANTS to pass her exams.
  • What (you/have) for breakfast yesterday? -- A glass of milk and cereal.
    What DID YOU HAVE for breakfast yesterday? -- A glass of milk and cereal.
  • (she/enjoy) listening to rock music?
    DOES SHE ENJOY listening to rock music?
  • They (want) to make some extra money.
    They WANT to make some extra money.
  • John (watch) TV every night.
    John WATCHES TV every night.
  • (you/meet) John last night? -- Yes, we (go) to the cinema together.
    DID YOU MEET John last night? -- Yes, we WENT to the cinema together.
  • The boys ???? working on their project now.
  • (you/visit) your grandparents every Sunday?
    DO you VISIT your grandparents every Sunday?
  • Hi Olga! (Anna/be) there? -- Sorry, but (she/sleep) now.
    Hi Olga! IS ANNA there? -- Sorry, but SHE IS SLEEPING now.
  • Pete (travel) around Europe at the moment
    Pete IS TRAVELLING around Europe at the moment
  • Parrots (not/live) in the desert.
    Parrots DON'T LIVE in the desert.
  • ............they happy when they moved to their new house? -- Well, Tina.............., but John............
    WERE they happy when they moved to their new house? -- Well, Tina WAS, but John WASN'T.
  • When ???? Walt Disney die?
  • How many books (you/buy) yesterday? -- I only (buy) one.
    How many books DID YOU BUY yesterday? -- I only BOUGHT one.
  • What ..... ..... ..... ..... .....? -- I had cereal for breakfast.
    What DID YOU HAVE FOR BREAKFAST? -- I had cereal for breakfast.
  • : Tony and Matt (not work) very hard these days.
    : Tony and Matt AREN'T WORK very hard these days.
  • Where’s Jim? -- In the living room. He (help) Mary with her homework.
    Where’s Jim? -- In the living room. He IS HELPING Mary with her homework.
  • She (work) on her computer now.
    She IS WORKING on her computer now.
  • (Ben/walk) the dog at the moment?
    IS Ben WALKING the dog at the moment?
  • Where............. John last night? -- Mary’s house.
    Where WAS John last night? -- He WAS at Mary’s house.
  • What ????? last weekend?
    do you do
    does you do
    did you do
    are you doing