
G6 Q4 Test Review

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  • Why should humans protect themselves from UV radiation?
    It can damage the skin, cause sunburns, cause cancer, and damage our eyes
  • Which arrow shows transmission?
  • Describe a gas giant.
    Large planets that have a thick, gaseous atmoshpere with small rocky cores.
  • What is luminosity?
    It means the actual brightness of a star.
  • What is a star?
    It is a large celestial body that emits light and is composed of gases.
  • What happens to the speed of light when it passed through a medium?
    It slows down.
  • Why is the sky blue?
    The blue wavelenght of visible light, scatters when it hits the particles in the atmosphere.
  • Where is energy converted from matter to energy in a star?
    the core
  • What is a planet?
    It is a spherical body that orbits the sun.
  • What protects life on Earth from harmful EM radiation from the sun?
    The atmosphere has the ozone layer that reflects/absorbs harmful radiation like x-rays and gamma rays.
  • What makes up the solar system?
    It is collection of large and small bodies that orbit the sun or a central star.
  • Describe terrestrial planets.
    Terrestrial planets are all rocky, dense, and relatively small.
  • Energy from the sun is called.
    EM radiation
  • In our solar system, the first four planets are called?
    Terrestrial planets
  • An EM particle is electrically charged that disturbs .....
    it disturbs both the electrical and magnetic fields
  • Which arrow shows reflection?
  • What is visible light?
    is made up of ROY G. BIV which combine equally to make white light
  • What is the order of the EM spectrum based on ascending order of frequency and desending wavelength,
    radiowaves, microwaves, infrared waves, visible light, ultraviolet light, x-rays, gamma rays
  • T o F. We can see objects by the visible light they reflect.
  • Which arrow shows absorption?
  • What is a galaxy?
    It is large collection of stars, gas and dust that is held together by gravity.
  • What other celestial bodies are in our solar system, besides planets and the sun?
    moons, dwarf planets (Pluto), comets, asteroids, meteroids
  • If matter reflects all visible light, ......
    it appears white
  • Why is Earth special?
    the water cycle creates clouds for rain/snow
    Earth's atmosphere has gases animals need to live
    It has liquid water, for the water cycle
    all of these
  • If matter absorbs all visible light, ......
    it appears black
  • Why is Earth special?
    It has liquid water, that plants need to produce oxygen
    Ozone layer absorbs/reflects harmful EM radiation
    plants are needed to pprduce oxygen that animals need to liv
    all of these
  • Describe the wavelenght and frequency for color red
    long wavelength and lower frequency
  • What is a light-year?
    It is the distance light travels in a year. It is used to measure vast differences.
  • _________ Matter can transmit light well.
  • In our solar system, the four farthest planets from the sun are called
    Gas giants
  • Why do astronauts helmets have a thin layer of gold in their helmets?
    to protect them from harmful EM radiation in space.
  • Different wavelengths of visible light are interpreted as .......
    different colors
  • What galaxy does Earth belong to?
    The Milky Way
  • How do we protect ourselves from harmful EM radiation, from the sun?
    sunscreen, hats, pants, long-sleeved shirts, sunglasses
  • How is the universe structured?
    It has clusters, or superclusters of galaxies and voids, that have not matter or energy.
  • _________ matter will not transmit at all
  • Describe the wavelenght and frequency for color violet
    short wavelength and higher frequency
  • What gases are stars composed of?
    helium and hydrogen
  • Which arrow shows scattering?
  • The energy from EM waves is called.....
    EM radiation
  • _________ can transmit with scattering
  • In which way do stars vary from each other?
    all of these
  • Which type of wave has the most energy?
    infrared waves
    radio waves
    visible light
  • EM waves travel .....
    at the speed of light