
Vocabulary Lesson 13 & 14

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  • salient
    conspicuous; striking; projecting up or out
  • conglomeration
    a collection of unrelated things
  • convalesce
    to recover health after illness
  • conjecture
    an opinion formed from inconclusive evidence; a guess
  • exult
    to rejoice greatly; to be triumphant
  • avail
    to use to one's advantage
  • incur
    to meet with; to run into; to bring upon oneself
  • valor
    heroic courage; bravery
  • resilient
    capable of returning to the original shape after being bent or stretched; recovering quickly from illness, change, or misfortune
  • evolve
    to develop gradually; to change from a simpler to a more complex form of animal or plant life
  • accelerate
    to cause faster movement; to go faster
  • assail
    to attack violently; to assault; to attack with words
  • discourse
    conversation; a formal discussion of a subject in speech or writing
  • succor
    help in time of distress; to render help to
  • abject
    humiliating and miserable; contemptible
  • concur
    to agree; to cooperate; to coincide; to happen simultaneously
  • interjection
    a word or phrase sometimes inserted between other words, often expressing emotion
  • precursor
  • desultory
    jumping from one thing to another; rambling
  • voluble
    speaking in a steady, easy flow of words; talkative; glib
  • prevalent
    widely occurring or in general use
  • celerity
    swiftness; quickness; speed