
Refugee Ch.1-10

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  • What does promenade mean?
    a paved pubic walkway
  • Why does Isabel trade her trumpet away?
    To get gasoline for the boat
  • Who is Luis?
    Ivan's older brother, a cop who saves Isabel from being beaten.
  • Explain why Mahmoud's dad tells bad jokes
    he uses humor to lighten the mood in tense situations
  • What happened to Mahmoud's friend Kahlid?
    He was beaten up, and Mahmoud tried to help. Their friendship died, and Kahlid was killed a year later in a bombing.
  • Explain what happened to Josef on the train
    He took off his arm band and he was caught by a Nazi youth. The Nazi youth chose to let Josef go with a warning
  • What is a proverb?
    a short saying of truth or advice
  • Jewish homes, businesses, and synagogues were destroyed and 10,000+ Jewish men were arrested. What is this called?
  • What is Waleed worried about as they leave the apartment after being bombed?
    his action figures
  • What is persecution?
    hostility and ill-treatment due to political beliefs
  • What is the definition of the word 'dismissive'?
    Showing that something is not worthy of consideration.
  • What is the difference between "wet feet" and "dry feet"?
    Wet feet happens when a refugee is caught on the ocean. Dry feet is when a refugee makes it to land in the USA
  • Define 'turmoil'.
    A very confused or disturbed state or condition.
  • Define 'oppressive'
    Cruel; harsh; without just cause; OR weighing heavily on the mind or spirits; OR hot and humid
  • What was Waleed watching on the television?
    Teenage mutant ninja turtles
  • When you have anger caused by something unjust, unfair, or mean...
  • (A person) showing embarrassment from shame or lack of self-confidence
  • What is the boat called that Josef and his family are on?
    MS St. Louis
  • Why did the Cubans want to leave Cuba?
    They were starving and had no money. They hoped America would be a fresh start.
  • In the beginning of the story, Papa was released from the concentration camp but was he had to.....
    leave the country in 14 days
  • What does asylum mean?
    protection for a refugee by the country where they are now living