
Rise of Dictators: Beginning of World War II

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  • What year is it generally considered that World War II began?
  • Great Britain and France declared war on Germany after Hitler invaded this country in 1939.
  • Militaristic Prime Minister of Japan
    Hideki Tojo
  • Prohibited the U.S. from loaning money or engaging in the sale of weapons to countries at war.
    Neutrality Acts
  • Form of government organized as a one-party nationalist dictatorship that put the nation/race above the individual.
  • Mussolini and Italy invaded Albania and what African country (in 1935)? Ethiopia, Nigeria or Egypt?
  • Japan invaded this country in 1931 and 1937.
  • Leader who controls a nation by force and repression.
  • Hitler/Nazi Germany annexed Austria in what year: 1936, 1938, or 1940?
  • Leader/Dictator of Nazi Germany
    Adolf Hitler
  • Hostility to or prejudice against Jewish people.
  • Hitler gave himself extraordinary emergency powers after the Reichstag Fire and blamed it on who?
  • Hitler and Germany signed a non-aggression pact with Stalin and the Soviet Union in what year: 1939, 1941 or 1943?
  • True or False: America entered World War II when Germany invaded Poland.
  • Conference where British and French leaders agreed to give the Sudetenland to Germany.
    Munich Conference
  • International Organization formed after World War I to preserve peace and prevent war in the future.
    League of Nations
  • Making concessions to dictatorial powers/countries to avoid conflict.
  • British Prime Minister at the Munich Conference who declared "peace for our time" by appeasing Hitler.
    Neville Chamberlain
  • Fascist dictator of Spain who remained neutral during World War II.
    Francisco Franco
  • German currency (money) that was essentially worthless during the depression.
  • Form of government that attempts to assert total control over the lives of its citizens through coercion and repression.
  • Leader/Dictator of the Soviet Union
    Joseph Stalin
  • True or False: Franklin D. Roosevelt was the President of the United States at the beginning of World War II.
  • Leader/Dictator of Italy
    Benito Mussolini
  • The Treaty of Versailles punished Germany after which war?
    World War I