
General Health Trivia

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  • We all know what "Vitamin A" does, so which of the following is an excellent source for it?
  • Which P is a neurodegenerative disease which causes shaking of the hands?
  • Which tubes carry oxygenated blood from the heart?
  • How many bones are there in the human skull? (22, 20, 16, 18)
  • Which N can be found either side of the septum?
  • Which of your organs is approximately seven metres in length?
    The small intestine
  • Joseph Murray performed the first of which type of operation in 1954? (Heart bypass, Kidney transplant, Lasik eye surgery)
    Organ (kidney) transplant
  • Which blood type is known or considered as the universal donor? (O positive, O negative, A positive, AB negative)
    O negative
  • To the nearest hundred, how many muscles are there in the body?
  • Ever heard of Riboflavin, it is a vitamin that is also known as? (B2, B3, B4, B44)
  • On which part of your body is the patella located?
  • Which three diseases does the MMR vaccine protect you from?
    Measles, Mumps, Rubella
  • How many muscles does our body use to balance itself while standing still? (100, 200, 300, 400)
  • Pituitary, Thyroid and Salivary are all types of what?
  • Humans share 98.8% of their DNA with which animal?
  • How many bones does a baby have when he/she is born? (106, 200, 300)
  • Extremely rare today, which disease, caused by a lack of ascorbic acid in the body, was the scourge of sailors up until the mid-18th century?
    Scurvy, ARGGG
  • Which muscle of the human body can exert the most pressure?
    The jaw
  • In what year did the ‘Spanish Flu’ pandemic, which infected an estimated 500 million people and killed 50 million, begin?
  • At what stage of pregnancy does a baby’s heartbeat start? (week 6, week 16, week 26, week 36)?
    Week 6
  • What sort of patients does a paediatrician work with?
  • More than half of your bones are located in which two parts of the body?
    Hands and feet
  • Which of the following foods doesn't contain the "Vitamin D"? (Egg Yolks, Kale, Fish, Beef liver)
  • Tell us the exact amount of chromosomes that a normal human body has?
  • For what do the initials G.P. stand?
    General Practitioner