
China Facts

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  • China has the largest population in the world. True or false?
  • How many years does the Chinese Lunar Calendar have? a) 365 b) 355 c) 354
    c) 354
  • Name one animal from the Chinese Zodiac.
    Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
  • China has around _______ habitants. a) 2bi b) 800mi c) 1.5bi
    c) 1.5bi
  • In China, every year is named after...
    An animal.
  • Name 3 cities from China.
    Example: Beijing, Hong-Kong, Shanghai.
  • What's the capital of China?
    The capital of China is Beijing.
  • China is the _______ biggest country in the world.
  • What's the currency (money) from China?
    Yuan and Renmimbi.
  • What languages are spoken in China?
    Mandarin, Chinese and local dialects.
  • In what continent is China located?
    It is located in Asia.
  • What's the name of the longest river in China and 3rd biggest in the world? a) Yellow b) Yangtze c) Pearl
    b) Yangtze