
4th grade Chapter 3 Review

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  • How do you think that Lauren felt when Victoria detected cancer?
    Confused/ Shocked/ Surprised
  • Why does sniff helps you to smell better?
    That brings more molecules to your smell sensors in your nose
  • Say the correct meaning of "memory" and make the correct movement
    Meaning: memoria *movement*
  • Say the correct meaning for "invisible" and spell the word correctly
    Meaning: invisible
  • What does Marcel Proust remembered in his Proustian Memory?
    He remembered his aunt’s old, gray house
  • What did Victoria do for Lauren?
    Victoria detected cancer in Lauren’s body.
  • Why do we can smell?
    Because of tiny molecules that float through the air and end up in your nose.
  • Dogs have a special organ for smelling. How is it called?
    “Jacobson’s organ.”
  • Say the correct meaning for "aroma" and make the movement
    Meaning: aroma *movement*
  • Say the correct meaning for "organ" and spell the word correctly
    Meaning: órgano *mimic alphabet spelling*
  • Smelling keeps our tongue from tasting food, true or false?
    False. . Our tongues can only taste a few flavors. However, we can “taste” thousands more by smelling.
  • What is a proustian memory?
    When your senses, specially the smelling, remembers you somethig from your past experiences
  • Say the correct meaning for "rotten" and spell the word correctly
    Meaning: podrido *mimic alphabet spelling*
  • When you smell something, you can more easily remember something related to the smell, true or false?
  • What was he eating when he had a Proustian Memory?
    A Madeline
  • Say the correct meaning of "dip" and make the movement
    Meaning: sumergir o "chopear" *movement*
  • Say the correct meaning for "disease" and spell the word correctly
    Meaning: enfermedad *mimc aphabet spelling*
  • Say the correct meaning for "chemical" and make the movement
    Meaning: químico *movement*
  • After who are the Proustian mamories named?
    After the French writer Marcel Proust.
  • Why do the dogs can pick out small odor differences?
    Because their noses have around 220 million sensor hairs and a special organ for smelling.