
Talanoa Ako

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  • If you cannot attend the parent conference, what is ONE way the teacher can give you a report of how your child is doing in class?
    Referees call if answer sounds good.
  • If you were born in 1990 what Generation are you? X, Y or Z
  • Name 2 of the 4 Competencies for 21st Century Skills
    Critical Thinking/Problem Solving, Creativity, Communication & Collaboration
  • Choosing the correct pathway for NCEA is important.
  • Who said " Time Change, we need to change as well"?
    Nelson Mandela
  • For Bernadette Robertson, name 2 subjects she took to get her Bachelor of Electrical Engineering?
    Science, Physics and Biology
  • It is NOT that important to listen to children when they talk about whether they are happy or not at school. True or False?
  • Reading aloud and asking questions is a BAD way to help children strong develop literacy skills. True or False?
  • One way to help your child increase his or her literacy is to capture their interest before reading. True or False?
  • Parents are encouraged to attend Parent / Teacher Conferences? True or False?
  • How many times did the players wearing white pass the Basketball
    15 passes
  • Who can a parent speak to if they are not happy with the teacher?
    Anyone who cares about their Child and their future!
  • How many jobs are you expected to have in the 21st Century
    10 or more
  • Are parents able to question teachers about their relationship with their children? Yes or No?
  • Literacy focuses on reading and writing. True or False?
  • What does the word STEM mean?
    Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics
  • Anyone can develop their literacy skills, no matter how old they are. True or False?
  • What does the A stand for in the acronym STEAM?
    The Arts
  • Literacy is found in just English, not all subjects. True or False?
  • Parents should NOT ask the teachers questions about the child's learning. True or False?